I'm hanging my head in shame for not having posted pictures sooner of my beautiful Bead Soup...not to mention the pictures are of horrible quality, but, here it is...
Look at all that COLOR!!! Although Amy and I have totally different techniques and style when it comes to jewelry-making,
we do have the love of color in common.
Really, did you see the color?!
Holy cow! I know I should have taken the beads out of the bag to show them off properly, but they are soooo tiny and I was afraid they would roll away to join the land of the lost.
And did you see this guy?
He's so very shiny and sparkly....I love him :)
I have NO idea where to start and what to create, but once my brain calms down a bit I know it will come to me. Thank you Amy for your incredible and generous soup...you'll be taking me to a different realm!